Major construction material in the Maldives have been reinforced concrete, steel and timber. Steel plays an important role in concrete structures as reinforcement in side the concrete taking the tension as well compression of the elements.
For mooring structures, reinforced concrete as well structural steel is being used. The islands of the Maldives are very small in size and also very low line. It can very well be approximated as a sea going vessel in terms of protection for steel from corrosion.
Multistorey buildings are quite common as a development in the Male region. When damage assessment is done, we find that the primary cause of deterioration is due to corrosion of reinforcement. As can be understood, corrosion of reinforcement in side concrete will cause the steel volume to expand cracking the concrete. The cracks further aggravates the situation.
Timber is quite common material in the tourist resort development. However, each of the joints require some form of steel to be used to keep the structure working.
Appropriate material such as marine grade stainless steel (grade 316) and family have been found performing well in the environment. Slightly cheaper steel, hot dipped galvanizing steel, depending on galvanization thickness also extends the life developments.